Pastoral Counselor-Advocate-Educator
-A passionate counselor with a heart for helping the broken walk through their
trauma into a transforming new beginning by intertwining secular methods with biblical
counseling. Awarded the honor of 2023's Kern County's Woman of the Year
from Senator Shannon Grove for her calling to advocate for those suffering from
Complex PTSD, fentanyl,
sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, domestic violence & human trafficking and her
boldness to speak out and shine the light on all of the harms of pornography affecting
children through adults & providing strategies to overcome and protect from these harms.
-Summit Bible College Graduate:
Master of Theology- Christian Counseling
-IAPRC Life Coach
-IAPRC Substance Abuse Recovery Coach
-CSEC trained by Million Kids.org
-CSAM trained by Million Kids.org
-Level 3 Trained Minwalla Model (DSTT) Deceptive Sexuality Trauma Treatment & the
Abusive Injured Relationship caused by Pornography Addiction & Trauma from
Another's Pornography Use
-Trauma Counseling with a specialty in C-PTSD Trained by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk's
program through the Institute of Traumatic Studies.
-A passionate and energetic speaker dedicated to proclaiming & teaching God's word
and ministering to the needs of the broken in our community with a heart for helping people struggling with
addiction & mental illness.
-Summit Bible College Graduate
-Master of Theology in Pastoral Leadership

Our Team
CWW Family of Dedicated Servants:
Jerry Espinosa, Thomas Wroe
Tina Rimmer, Carolyn Holt
Crossfire Band
Pam & Her Bluegrass Band
CWW Hope Dealers Worship Team:
Karnel Grimes: Drummer & Worship Coordinator
Tonya Holt: Vocals
David Holt: Guitar / Vocals
John Geary: Drums & Sound
Marc Jones: Bass
Churches & Organizations that provide our dinners each month:
Life Point Church
Crossroads Church
The Bridge Bible Church
Dove Creek Bible Church
Cowboy Church